Winter is here, mountains of boxes…

FINALLY! Winter is here, the snow cometh! Here are a few impressions of the beautiful winter wonderland outside my new home. The first of November marks the begin of a new era. Nearly 2 weeks have gone by and it looks more like a box factory than apartment. The tasks of unpacking and putting furniture together is taking…

14.9.-1.10. USA New England and Florida

Knowing that I wouldn’t be spending Xmas with the family this year, I arranged a surprise visit at the end of September. It was short but sweet! It was action packed and we made a bunch of great memories. We started off near Boston to visit my Dad, niece and nephew. My nephew is a little man already…

2nd Mid-term Report

Sooo… I’m back! I have been “step-Austrian” now for nearly a month. Work is cool, I have been learning so much which I like. I haven’t found a new apartment yet, but am constantly looking. I haven’t had much time for mountaineering or much sport yet, either the boiling hot weather or the downpours have…

Mid-term Report

Not many mountain adventures at the moment, BUT it is all for a good reason. I have been looking for a new challenge and a new life in the mountains. As of July 1st, I will start a new job in Austria. That means lots of things to take care of like un and reregistering, packing, looking for an…

Weekend at the hut: with break downs

After a long winter without any snow to really speak about, this weekend was a real treat. It had snowed a few times this week so the mountain tops were finally covered in white and looked the way a mountain should. We were invited to spend the weekend at a hut and accepted eagerly. We would have to leave at…

Trying to get to Mt Hood Skibowl

Our flight to Oregon, for a 5 day trip to see my Grandparents, departed a day and a half after arriving in Boston. We arrived in Portland a little late but relieved the bags were there. After a  20 minute shuttle from the airport to the car rental, we finally began our 7 hour drive down to Brookings. We had heard…