Gibraltar Impressions or Why I Hate Monkeys

Following several days in Barcelona Spain in November 2011, my Dad and I flew down to Sevilla then left directly for Gibraltar in a rental car. Gibraltar is a tiny stretch of land with a very big rock and under British rule. It was a James Bond location in “The Living Daylights.” Visiting Bond locations…

I-FREE Bormio 2011: Podium guaranteed!

After the excitement of the first competition with the I-FREE Italian Freeride Series, I was anxious to give it a go again. The next venue was Bormio. I didn’t suffer the anxiety issues of not wanting to embarrass myself this time around: regardless of my run, I would won (and lose!) since I was the…

I-FREE Scufoneda 2011: Moena-Passo San Pelligrino A freeride race? Why not!

“It’s only 35€ to register for the contest” he said, “maybe you’ll be the only girl and you’ll automatically win.” The guy I was dating really wanted to try an Italian freeride competition. That was his idea of persuassion, maybe he needed me to drive. The thought of me actually competing in a freeride race felt…

5 days in the Hole – 2011

Rather than returning to Colorado for a short snowboarding trip and visiting friends, I found a very affordable deal for Jackson Hole; a name that will put a dreamy look on any snowboarders face. My boyfriend at the time was able to score some free lift tickets through Burton which made it even more perfect…